Wine & Unwind Night Pasta


Enough for 2 cranky people who have had a lot of red wine (or other beverages, whatever suits you darling)


No one cares, this is a night for bad jokes, British humor and carbs. 


2 large pots

1 frying pan 

1 strainer

1 wooden spoon

Bowls for serving


Whatever pasta you have in the pantry, shape doesn’t matter, size doesn’t matter, COMBINE it please, get funky

A jar of red, vodka, or pesto sauce, ideally room temp, but it’s not the end of the world if it isn’t

A loaf of oven ready garlic bread (the kind that comes wrapped in foil and you can just throw into the oven)

Parmesan cheese, grated or shakified 

Olive oil 

A hefty amount of red wine (you determine what is hefty, my friend, can also swap out for grape juice or kombucha, whatever suits you)

Any kind of meat-based protein you have stashed away (chicken is better, but the night does not judge based on differentiation, the world is diverse comrade, and she shifts in the swirling sands of time).


Watch a bunch of BlackAdder, The IT Club, Monty Python, or whichever British comedy suits you. Heck, the British version of The Office if you got it.

Ideally you will need two participants for this recipe, one to do the pasta and another to keep an eye on the garlic bread and refill the vino.

Cook the protein in a pan, and get it nice and sizzling.

Cook all the way through; food-borne illness does not discriminate and neither should you.

Make the pasta according to instructions, drain, and set aside.

While pasta is cooking, in a separate pot, heat up the sauce and add in Parmesan, olive oil, and protein when it is complete.

Garlicky Bread

As the pasta draws near to completion, throw garlic bread into the oven and cook according to package instructions.

Should likely be 400 F for 12 ish minutes, but be discerning.

When bread is done, remove and slice into consumable chunks.

When all components are complete, comrade, dish up first with pasta, then a ladle of sauce, top with more parm and finally, a slice or two of garlic bread. 

Dish up for your friend as well and retire with your sustenance and vino to the quarters where you may consume more British comedy and remark on the nature of humanity. 

PROTIP: Dip your garlic bread into the sauce of your choice, it is good food comrade.

I hope it looks like this for you. This is how it usually winds up. But it's your own unicorn baby.
